Friction Tester

Paper Film 

The Friction Tester measures the coefficient of friction friction of sheet materials such as paper, corrugated, plastic film, or paperboard. Slip and friction testing aids in the evaluation of chemicals and additives used to create and minimise the degree of friction between two contacting test specimens.
The instrument can be used stand alone, yet there is a matching control software package available, with capabilities to display the test curve and print a test report. 
Static and dynamic COF, as well as the test speed, are displayed realtime on the LCD display.

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  • Stable performance, accurate results, simplicity of operation
  • Works standalone or with software


EN ISO 8295 • ISO 15359 • DIN 53375 •  TAPPI T503 •  TAPPI T549 •  TAPPI T816 •  ASTM D202 • ASTM D1894 • ASTM D4981 •  AFNOR NFQ 03.083